Presenting the First Annual, “Vinnys”!

Presenting the first annual, "Vinnys"! In honor of last night's award show, I figured I would follow suit. I present, "The Vinnys," my top 5 recommended resources for life and faith that I have discovered since around this time last year. (Hopefully, I will hand myself the correct card as I write these down!) I'm … Continue reading Presenting the First Annual, “Vinnys”!

Like a marriage- we are legally unified with Christ

Christ's love for us was so strong in the cross that Jesus died "as" us...legally unifying those who love Him to His side forever. What does this mean for you today?: If you're in pain- His suffering is your suffering. If you feel you don't have purpose- His mission is your mission. If you are … Continue reading Like a marriage- we are legally unified with Christ